Woodoc 55

Deep penetrating, tinted, gloss finish with UV protection and water repellent, for outdoor use.

First coat 10-12 m2/litre.
Subsequent coats 12-14 m2/litre.
3 coats (average) 3,3 m2/litre.

By brush. Clean brush with White Spirits.

Dilution is not recommended, but should dilution be necessary, use only White Spirits.
Drying will vary, depending on moisture and atmospheric conditions.

Product Properties:
Tinted, gloss, high-build, exterior wood sealer.

Wax Content:

White Spirits.

Acetone, Lacquer Thinners, Benzene, and other solvents.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Woodoc 55 is a pre-tinted gloss finish for general outdoor applications including garden furniture, windows and doors. Woodoc 55 offers excellent UV- and moisture protection with a combination of polymers. It is a marine grade product that gives added salt protection.

Woodoc 55 performs well on all types of wood including hardwoods (e.g. teak and oak) and resinous woods such as cedar.

Typical Application:
For exterior use where a tinted, gloss sealer is required. Provides UV-protection and is water repellent. It is used extensively on yachts, boats and all exterior woodwork on buildings exposed to conditions of harsh weathering.
Not suitable for use on hard, dense wooden decks.

Product Features:
Woodoc 55 is a tinted, exterior gloss sealer with UV-absorbers and added transparent iron oxides to protect wood against harsh sunlight.

  • Excellent protection against wind, water, pollution and salt spray.
  • Contains a special alkyd base that remains flexible, preventing surface cracking associated with temperature variation.
  • Superior Ultra-violet radiation protection in extreme conditions.
  • High-build characteristic for a smooth gloss surface.
  • Available in three tints: Meranti, Russet and Deep Brown.
  • Suitable for all wood types.
  • Non-toxic when dry.
  • Does not affect glue.
  • Deep penetrates to nourish wood.
  • Biodegrades at the end of its life cycle.
  • Complete how-to-use instructions on label.

1 Litre, 5 Litre, 500ml


Dark Brown, Meranti, Russet


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